AndrƩe-Klaude's story - ''THIS IS WHAT IS SO DIFFERENT about YWWL. The people!''

Uncategorized May 07, 2024

Look at what I achieved with the help of YWWL! But let me tell you, YWWL did not only bring me the physical transformation, it brought me much more. Here’s a little bit about my story and what I got out of YWWL in the last 6 years.

From as long as I can remember, I have been over weight. I remember a kid telling me in primary that he was not inviting me to his birthday party because he did not want me to break the chairs. So to say that I struggled with my weight my whole life is no lie. Fast forward to high school, I started my weight loss journey when I was around 16. I took my mom’s WW booklet and started counting points. I lost about 70 pounds during my last year of high school but did not learn much except counting to 30 points. I felt great having lost the weight. I got to shop at a regular store for my prom dress, which I remember, felt amazing.
University and many beers later (;) ) I weighted 250 lbs again. I had no energy, could not fit in any fun clothes, did not dare try new things and was so uncomfortable in my own skin. People will tell you I was fine because I put up a front. But inside, I had so much negative talk and thought I was unworthy. Unworthy of going to university parties, unworthy of meeting new people, unworthy of dreaming of one day having a family and kids.

While doing my master’s degree for guidance counseling, we had to set a goal for ourselves and decide on steps that would make us reach it. I set a goal to lose weight and again, with WW, lost 100 pounds. It felt AMAZING…but somehow, the negative talk was still sticking around. Fast forward to many years later and I found my husband and had beautiful healthy twin boys.

When they were 1, I heard about YWWL from a friend who had amazing success. I jumped in and realized I already had all the knowledge I needed to lose weight (calorie deficit). That was SO EMPOWERING! I was just missing the accountability, the tools and a community of like-minded people who would support me no matter what. THIS IS WHAT IS SO DIFFERENT about YWWL. The people! There is ALWAYS someone in the group who’s there to listen to you and help you. Being part of this community of strong women prioritizing themselves has been life changing. I’ve made new friends who I know I’ll keep forever. The tools and coaching sessions that YWWL offer have really open my eyes and helped me lose the weight.

What other program offers live coaching sessions FIVE DAYS A WEEK? I love taking in content and applying it to my life. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Stop thinking about it and just JOIN. See where it can bring you. See how you can surprise yourself. No one else can do this for you. Stop wishing. Take your life into YOUR hands.


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