Janice's story - ''YWWL taught me to ditch the diet mentality and live my life without guilt or shame''

Today, we have the pleasure of reading about Janice Babineau's story and how she found her way.

My dieting journey started when I was in high school.  I am 5’ 3” and heavy chested so I had difficulty finding clothes that fit properly.  I hid under cardigans and wore lots of black, which was never “my colour”,  but was supposed to make you look slimmer!  I was very self-conscious about my appearance.  As a result, I was on a diet all of my adult life. The label society gave people like me was “yo-yo dieter”.  I often managed to lose weight but could never keep it off. 

The turning point came after I saw photos of myself at my niece’s wedding in the summer of 2019.  I was no longer willing to accept the status quo.  I knew that my two children would be getting married in the next few years (as they both had significant others) and wanted to feel comfortable in my skin. 
I joined YWWL in December 2019 at age 58 and I was ready for change.  I was immediately drawn to both Josée and Alicia’s message of inspiration and positivity!  This program was different.  What really resonated with me was the “your way” part as I had learned after years of dieting that I was more successful when I did things “my way” as I am a bit of a control freak!  I took in content daily and soon had the knowledge to start making small sustainable changes in my nutrition and started creating better habits and behaviours.  I started losing weight slowly but surely and started feeling better both physically and mentally.  Eventually my mindset started shifting to the point that I felt confident that I could finally keep the weight off for good this time! 
Fast forward 4 1/2 years.  I lost 30 lbs “my way” and have been successful in managing my weight. YWWL taught me to ditch the diet mentality and live my life without guilt or shame.  I worked on unlearning all things society told us was right and wrong and am now living my life with total food freedom and with a new mindset! 
One wedding down; one to go!  I felt amazing at wedding #1 and have total confidence that I will feel the same next year at wedding #2. 
I will be forever grateful to YWWL for helping me become the person I truly want to be! 

50% Complete

Two Step

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